Friday, April 24, 2009

Facebook | Emily Grierson

Emily Grierson


3 friends

Colonel Sartoris

Wall-to-Wall with Homer-your-HOMMIE

Emily Grierson:
... okay.

Let's hang out sometime.

Emily Grierson:
Hello, Homer.

Hey, Emily. What's up?


Description of Emily Grierson's Facebook

Her facebook, for the most part, is bare. She doesn't take useless, pointless personality tests, nor does she download a number of applications because she finds them ridiculous and a complete waste of her time. She refuses to fill out her personal information for she does not want others to know more about her than she would like. Thus, she does not post any pictures of herself or give updates on her daily activities either.

More importantly, she sets her facebook on private and has only three friends. "Homer-your-HOMMIE" is Homer. His name demonstrates how he is modern and social with other people; at the same time, it also illustrates his outgoing personality. Tobe's name is all in lowercase because the only purpose in him creating a facebook account is for Miss Emily to be able to contact him when she is in need of his services. He is her servant; there is no need for any formalities whatsoever. And finally,
Miss Emily added Colonel Sartoris as a friend to reach him whenever she needs him to takes care of her taxes.

I only posted the Wall-to-Wall with Homer because I think that that would be the only Wall in which Emily would look at and/or check if she is ever on facebook. Here, Homer asks Miss Emily if they can spend time together. Homer's replies look relatively the same, while Emily's responses changed from somewhat formal to completely informal. With the ellipse, she is illustrating her hesitance to spend time with him. Nevertheless, she agrees with a period, which illustrates her final stance on the issue. This, however, can be viewed as a turning point for Miss Emily because she rarely steps outside of her house. In order to spend time with Homer, however, she is willing to take this step.

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